
your health & safety are our #1 priority!

The World Health Organization has declared the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) a worldwide pandemic. Due to its capacity to transmit from person-to-person through respiratory droplets, the government has set recommendations, guidelines, and some prohibitions which CPR For Life, LLC (the "Organization") adheres to comply. We follow all CDC and OHA regulations, and all classes meet strict infection control protocols.

A new/clean mask is required for participation, and special accommodations are available upon request for those unable to wear masks for medical reasons. Masks must be worn at all times inside the building. Gloves are required for some activities and will be provided as needed. Due to the nature of this course, students are expected to work within less than 3 feet of each other at times for 2-person and team-based scenarios.

All students are asked to sign a waiver that includes the following:

I have not experienced symptoms of fever, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, dry cough, loss of taste or any other symptoms relating to COVID-19 or any communicable disease within the last 14 days.

I understand that I can reschedule one time and transfer any deposits and/or payments made for this class.

I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks involved in attending a CPR and/or First Aid training course. I fully release and discharge CPR For Life and its officers, agents, employees and contracted staff from any and all claims and legal fees, from injuries, including death, damage or loss, which I may have as a result of this course.